From Smart Mobs:
Many of you already know and use, this free social software web service for sharing web bookmarks launched a few months ago by Joshua Schachter, and already mentioned in Smartmobs.
Here is a quick reminder of what is about. It allows you to bookmark a web page you find interesting, to organize these pages by categories, using tags of your choice, and to share your discoveries with other curious minds. But you can do much more.
When Jon Udell, currently with InfoWorld, published a series of articles about on his blog, this gave me an idea: categorize all the entries posted on my blog in the last thirty months. Instead of using a search engine to check if or when I already wrote about something, I’m now using my archive and I click on a tag. Remarkably fast and useful!
And you, how are you using this service? Have you discovered other tricks easing your online life? Please post your comments below. And many thanks to Joshua Schachter. Read this column to see in more detail how I’m using before posting your own tricks.