The Importance of Being Permanent

From PressThink: The Importance of Being Permanent: Without permanence you slip off the search engines. Without permanence, bold ideas like […]

Citizen journalism

Naming is important. Would you satisfy with this one? Citizen journalism, also known as “participatory journalism” is the act of […]

What is The Message?

From What is The Message?: If you would like a rare view of someone experiencing the McLuhan Vortex – McLuhan, […]

Keso on RSS

关于RSS, Keso在这里讲的很到位: “未来,你可能需要通过RSS来阅读某些感兴趣的blog的最新帖子,监控eBay上某个物品的拍卖出价,Flickr上某张图片的用户评论,Google News的某个新闻关键字的订阅,UUZone上的某个朋友联系方式或某个约会的变动,等等,你不可能每天把所有这些网站全都浏览几遍。”


     未济 (离上,坎下) “未济”:亨;小狐汔济,濡其尾;无攸利。 《彖》曰:“未济,亨”,柔得中也。 “小狐汔济”,未出中也。“濡其尾,无攸利”,不续终也。 虽不当位,刚柔应也。 《象》曰:火在水上,“未济”;君子以慎辨物居方。

Open-sourcing the news

CNET News: Can Internet volunteers improve journalism? Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy “Jimbo” Wales is out to find out. Wikipedia is a […]

A Theory of Power

From A Theory of Power, Jeff Vail’s Critique of Hierarchy & Empire: Swarming, Open-Source Warfare and the Black Block Swarming […]


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